Accelerating Gaussian elimination method for linear systems on GPU 用GPU加速求解线性方程组的高斯消元法
The Parallel Hardware Architecture of Gaussian Elimination in Reconfigurable Computing System 可重构系统中快速高斯消元算法的并行硬件体系实现
MPI-based Parallel Algorithm Design and Evaluation for Gaussian Elimination 基于MPI的并行分布式高斯消元算法设计和评估
Floating point representation, Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting, scaling of computations with matrix size, banded and tri-diagonal systems, LU decomposition. 浮点数表示法,含部份换轴之高斯消去法,使用矩阵大小之计算尺度调整,带状及三角对角系统,LU分解。
Fundamental Iterative algorithm is accessible to the intuition of the reader because it performs a kind of Gaussian elimination. However BM algorithm is easier to comprehend. 由于基本迭代算法采用的是高斯消元,所以它更为直观,而BM算法更好理解。
The coefficient matrix of the linear equations is nonpositive definite because of the restrictions, but we prove the leading principal minors of the matrix do not equal zero and the triangular decomposition or Gaussian elimination can be used to the linear equations. 由于约束条件的缘故,导出的线性方程组的系数矩阵不是正定的,但本文证明了它的各阶顺序主子式不等于零,从而可用三角分解法或高斯消去法。
This paper proves the advantages of triangular decomposition through compare triangular decomposition to Gaussian elimination. 通过把三角化分解法与高斯消元法进行比较,说明三角化分解法的优点。
TSM-FMM reduces computational complexity to o ( NlogN) for sparse structures and to o ( N) for dense structures, from o ( N3) for the Gaussian elimination method and o ( N2) per iteration for the CG method. 运用这种方法,能把计算复杂度从高斯消元法的o(N~3)和CG法的o(N~2)减少到:对于稀疏结构的o(NlogN),对于稠密结构的o(N);
When the method of Gaussian elimination is used for solving a linear system of algebraic equations on an array processor or a cellular vector computer, the main operation is to perform a great many of row vector transformations. 在阵列机或细胞结构向量机上用高斯消去法求解线性代数方程组的基本操作是进行大量的行向量变换。
Based on the optimized decomposition algorithm for the unification problem of the union of disjoint equational theories and the Gaussian elimination method, we present a unification algorithm for the general unification problem of the ACUN theory. 基于联合理论合一化问题的优化分解算法和高斯消元法,本文给出了ACUN理论一般合一化问题的合一化算法。
This algorithm carries out the Gaussian elimination directly to GC ( A) without finding the canonical form of A. 此算法将高斯消元过程直接在GC(A)上进行,省去了化A为某种标准形的麻烦。
Bus admittance matrix is used to describe the structure of actual power network, Gaussian elimination is used to simplify the network, and short circuit calculation is based on symmetrical component method and superposition principle. 软件采用节点导纳矩阵描述实际电网结构,用高斯消元法实现网络化简,短路计算部分的实现基于对称分量法和叠加原理。
The three-phase harmonic power flow is directly solved by Gaussian elimination method with linear nodal voltage equation, thus there exists no convergence problem. 谐波计算部分采用节点电压方程,利用高斯消去法直接求解,不存在收敛性问题。
Computer-Oriented Gaussian Elimination for Seeking the Answer of Regular Expression Equation Set 求解正则表达式方程组高斯消元法的矩阵方法
Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting method and Broyden's method and Orthogonal method for generating stochastic orthogonal matrix are presented. 给出了由计算机随机生成正交矩阵的列主元高斯消去法、逆broyden秩1法、施密特正交化法等方法的算法描述。
Multi-variety linear regression program is compiled using the least square method and the Gaussian elimination. 利用最小二乘法及高斯消去法原理编制了多元线性回归程序;
Two algorithms of sparse symmetric Gaussian elimination 稀疏对称高斯消去法的两个算法
This paper is to introduce another solution to operation method expressed in tables of transportation problem with the knowledge of Gaussian elimination and dynamic programming. 用高斯消去法和动态规划的知识介绍对运输问题表上作业法的另一种解法。
Improvement to Gaussian Elimination and its Engineering Application 对高斯消元法的改进以及在工程上的应用
Solving the Parameters of Passive Two-port Network Through Gaussian Elimination Algorithm 利用高斯消去法求无源二端口网络参数
Gaussian Elimination is a Traditional Method of China 高斯消元法是中国古法
The resulting sparse banded unsymmetric set of equations is solved by using the Gaussian elimination. 使用变带宽高斯消去法求解产生的带状稀疏不对称方程组。
At last the stress and torque are obtained by complete pivot Gaussian elimination. All these works present initial data and comparisons for subsequent model analysis with clearance. 2. 利用全主元高斯消元法解得各组件连接处的受力大小和电机负载转矩,并且为后续的含有间隙的模型分析提供了初始数据和依据。
This thesis has an in-depth research on the background modeling and issues related to moving object detection. It focuses on Gaussian mixture model and shadow detection and elimination. 本文对背景建模以及运动目标的检测的相关问题进行了深入的研究,其中着重研究了高斯混合模型和阴影检测与消除的问题。
Iteration and scheduling for coupling tasks set in concurrent product development process is analyzed, and Gaussian elimination combined with Genetic Algorithms is used to realize intelligentized method of it. 对产品开发耦合任务组迭代和顺序规划进行了研究,把遗传算法基本原理与高斯消去算法相结合,实现了耦合任务组顺序规划的智能化。
The Incomplete LU Factorization Preconditioner is derived by Gaussian elimination and dropping some elements with any kind of dropping strategy. This method is very widely used to solve the linear equations. 不完全LU预处理是通过高斯消元法将矩阵进行三角分解,丢掉部分元素而得到预条件子,这种预条件方法通用性强,已被广泛的应用到工程计算中去。
It completes automatic division of the finite element, analyzes the numbering rule of the Finite Element nodes and the triangular modules, and gives block diagram of Gaussian elimination method and forward problem, and explains the block diagram of improving equi-potential back-projection algorithm. 完成了有限元自动剖分,分析了有限元节点和三角单元的编号规律,给出了高斯消元法和正问题求解的程序框图,对等位线反投影改进算法的程序框图也做出了说明。
Parallel Gaussian elimination or parallel preconditioned conjugate gradient method are available to solve the system of equations. 使用并行高斯消元或并行预处理共轭梯度法求解方程组。
For solving linear equations is an important part of power flow calculation, the paper introduces Gaussian Elimination and Jordan Elimination firstly, and makes the relevant summary and comparisons. 作为线性方程组求解潮流计算的重要环节,文中首先对高斯消元和约当消元进行了介绍,并进行了相关的分析与比较。